This is a rare opportunity to visit the Kuck Motorsports museum in Lincoln. This event is a benefit for the Heartland Cancer Foundation and is sponsored by the Rebels Auto Club and the Paul Brown Memorial Rally. The following is a request from Jim Holstein, Rebels Car Club member and NRCA member to make our membership aware of this opportunity.
"At the January Rebels meeting I spoke to you about making NRCA members aware of the Gary Kuck Auto Collection Open House on April 18 benefiting our local Heartland Cancer Foundation.
Attached is the brochure for that event. We at the Paul Brown Memorial Rally and Lincoln Rebels have partnered with Heartland Cancer Floundation to host and would greatly appreciate it if you would alert your entire 1400+ members of this very worthy fundraiser for low income patients battling cancer. With Heartland as the beneficiary all monies stay in our area rather than going coast to coast.
As you know Gary and his wife Susan only open their private collection for local area charities for fundraising. Its their way of giving back to the community and surrounding region. It's a fabulous collection of cars and period settings as well. There are two ticket levels: $25 donation is open from 2-5 PM with 400 tickets available. A VIP tour conducted by Gary Kuck will begin at 1 PM where Gary will explain details of the cars and their meaning to his collection. The donation for the VIP is $100 with only 25 tickets available. These fees are considered a donation to the Heatrland Cancer Foundation and are tax deductible.
Finally there will be refreshments and snacks available as well as an appearance by Erika Shelton, Mrs. Nebraska 2015. Her platform is Pediatric Cancer and I know you will enjoy meeting her. She is a wonderful person besides being very beautiful as you would expect!"
Thanks for your assistance!
Jim Holstein
Paul Brown Memorial Rally