Computer Lessons for Members
Everyone needs a little help now and then
We use the Wild Apricot system for membership management. It is a very powerful system and is uniquely created to fit the needs of an association like NRCA. It is, however, only powerful if you use it. This is to help motivate you into traveling through our website. Many questions can be answered with a couple of clicks of the mouse and few key strokes.
One of the features of our website is that it has a “public” and a “member” side. We use the public side to inform non members who we are and to encourage them to join us. We don’t include specific information that is reserved for members. So, you will not find the list of motels rooms reserved for Tour Nebraska on the “public” side for instance. You have to get into the member side — which we call “Just for Members”.
That seems to be the “brick wall” for many as they have difficultly getting there. And we get calls that I can’t find this or that—not that we don’t like hearing from you but calls take your time as well as ours—when moving up the learning curve just a little will save us both that time.
So, here is what you need to do. Call up our website nrca.wildapricot.org. For future reference, add our site to your favorites. Seems everyone can get this far, but if you are struggling then just click on this link ---> http://nrca.wildapricot.org Next at the bottom left if will say “log in” and you need to put in your email address and a pass word.
Let’s talk about email addresses for a moment. This system uses your email address to identify you– member numbers are not used anymore. That is the reason we have discontinued membership cards — they really were not used for anything and took time and money to produce and mail. If you have more than one email address, in order to get in you need to use the one your newsletter is sent to you with.
Next is the dreaded password. If you joined on line, the system will have assigned you one. If you sent your membership application in by mail—we will assign—”membership” as your password. If you are a long time member we assigned that password when converting to this system.
So—next we are guessing that you don’t know your password — try using membership and if that doesn’t work—click on “forgot password” and set one up you will remember.